The tourism from Romania is a subject quit apart which must granted an specially interest because our country has a lot of tourist objectives, which surround as everywhere.
We can praise that we are one of the few countries which shelters mountainareas, plain areas, output at sea and Danube Delta, in my opinion the most important touristobjective of our country.
Tourism in Romania relying in particular on landscape, history, religion, tradition (are preserved very much habits 100 years from now), castles, medieval towns etc.
You can choose from very wide range of activities and places to visit . You can sky in traditional or mountain built for that purpose, or you can idle in the sun of Black Sea beaches, which are similar to the Mediterranean. You can do hiking in places still unexplored, where the rivers have crystal water, or you can explore by boat the 5.640 km2 of wilderness in the Delta.
Of this area, 4.340 km2 is located in Romania. Here you can admire the pelicans and other bird species threatened by extinction, the floating islands of reeds covered.
You can also visit museums and art galleries in the tows and discove their specific architecture.
We can praise that we are one of the few countries which shelters mountainareas, plain areas, output at sea and Danube Delta, in my opinion the most important touristobjective of our country.
Tourism in Romania relying in particular on landscape, history, religion, tradition (are preserved very much habits 100 years from now), castles, medieval towns etc.
You can choose from very wide range of activities and places to visit . You can sky in traditional or mountain built for that purpose, or you can idle in the sun of Black Sea beaches, which are similar to the Mediterranean. You can do hiking in places still unexplored, where the rivers have crystal water, or you can explore by boat the 5.640 km2 of wilderness in the Delta.
Of this area, 4.340 km2 is located in Romania. Here you can admire the pelicans and other bird species threatened by extinction, the floating islands of reeds covered.
You can also visit museums and art galleries in the tows and discove their specific architecture.
this is so true! romanian people should appreciate more what they have..and take good care of our envirnoment
RăspundețiȘtergereRomania is a beautiful country but is not exploited to its true value.
RăspundețiȘtergereTurismul e mult mai important decat pare la prima vedere, adica o sursa economica.
RăspundețiȘtergereGanditiva , cei care ati fost in diferite excursii, ati vizitat diferite obiective turistice,
cu cate amintiri minunate ati ramas sau cati prieteni noi ati cunoscut, sau ati descoperit noi fete ale prietenilor vostri,
oare nu asta e ceea ce ne ramane pe viata? aceste amintiri minunate? intamplari de neuitat? aventuri incredibile?.....
sau oare le gasesti in orice zi obisnuita mergand la scoala sau la servici asteptand sa se termine ziua ca sa te
intorci acasa ca sa te gandesti la ziua de mine care va fi la fel de monotona...
Peste ani le vei spune copiilor, nepotilor despre stresul de la munca, despre eforturile tale de reusita profesionala
sau le vei povesti intamplari captivante din trecutul tau presarat cu amintiri de neuitat?
Din pacate cei de la putere nu sunt dispusi sa investeasca , ci prefea sa fure acei bani care ar aduce Romania pe primele
locuri din lume din punct de vedere turistic.
I agree with you!We have many beautiful places to visit.We could bring tourism in romania at a high level but do not know how to appreciate our country.
RăspundețiȘtergereReading your description about the places that can be visited in Romania and the activities that can be done there have awaken my interest to visit your country!!:)
RăspundețiȘtergereAnd this I think it is due to two main reasons. The first one is related to the acknowledge of the tourist possibilities that Romania offers and that they can be unknown to potential tourist. Sometimes we are so much accustomed to some tourist attractions in our towns or areas that we forget about their value and we need that foreign people come around and rediscovered them for us. Nevertheless,it is important the good promotion of the national tourism.
And the second reason has to do with the use and "manipulation" of language in order to make it appealing to the senses and feelings of the person who is reading the brochure. For example I liked very much the language that is used in descriptions such as for example "crystal waters" or "wilderness in Delta" because information is conveyed in such a way that creates a positive attitude and position on the part of the reader.This kind of language appeals to the senses and stimulates the imagination of the reader that can be a potential-tourist visitor of Romania.